Tips For Safe Dating

We all are always excited to meet new people. However, it is necessary to take precautions and use the following guidelines:

Protect Your Personal Information

Try not to share your personal information such as your social security number, home or work address with the person you have just met. If you have children, limit the details of your children on this platform, such as their names and their school names to be on the safe side.

Always meet in a public

Meet for the first time in a populated, public location rather than a private or remote area. If your date pushes you to go to a remote location, end the date immediately.

Stay on the Platform

Keep your conversations on the Fusion of hearts platform while you get to know each other. Users with bad intentions often try to move the conversation to text, messaging apps, email, or phone right away

Account Protection

Put a solid password for your account and try not to login into devices of strangers or friends. If you get a notification that your account is logged in and you don't know about that, then report immediately.

Meeting in Person

Take your time and get to know the other person before agreeing to meet or chat off OkCupid. Don't hesitate to ask questions to avoid red flags or personal dealbreakers.

Control of your transportation

Drive yourself to and from the first meeting. If things don't work out, you can leave by driving yourself, even if that means taking a taxi.

Tell your friend about your date.

Tell a friend, including when and where you're going. Charge your mobile phone and keep it with you all the time.

Stay sober

Do not do anything that would impair your judgment and alertness and cause you to make a decision you could regret.
If your date tries to pressure you to use drugs or drink more than you're comfortable with, hold your ground and end the date.

Don't Leave Drinks or Personal Items Unattended

Many substances are slipped into drinks for sexual assault. So knowing where your glass is at all times is essential. Also, keep the items containing personal information with you.

If You Feel Uncomfortable, leave

It's totally fine to end the date early if you're not feeling comfortable, and it's encouraged. And if your instincts are telling you something is off about the person or the place, ask for help and end the date.

Watch out for scammers

If anyone asks for financial help to return home from the place where they have been stuck- that's a red flag. Be aware of anyone who refuses to meet in person or talk on a phone/video call—they may be hiding something. End the date if someone avoids your questions or pushes for a serious relationship.

LGBTQ and Travel

Be careful while traveling. We recognize and believe in the importance of inclusive of all gender identities and sexual orientations. Still, the reality is that nowhere in the world is without potential risk, and some countries have specific laws targeting LGBTQ+ people. Don't forget to check out the rules around you when you travel to a new place and research what types of legal protection. If you're in unsafe territory, we suggest you disable your Fusion of hearts account or go incognito. Significantly, you exercise extra caution if you connect with new people in these countries. In some countries, laws that criminalize communications between individuals on same-sex dating applications or websites have been introduced recently and even aggravate penalties if that communication leads to sexual encounters.